hire an online business manager

hire an online business manager

Online business owners are superheros. Turn on your laptop, monitor your website and social media pages, deal with client work or online transactions, create lead generating material, interact with online freelancers...so much to do, so little time. They don't even have time to think about why they need to hire an online business manager!

Are you tired of being a superhero for your business? Your passion is limitless and you spend every waking moment pouring your heart into making your business successful. Batman is your alter ego. (Ladies, bear with me, it works better if I use Batman instead of an awesome female superhero like Wonder Woman).

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You put on your cape daily and conquer the challenges for your business like a boss. But you transform into some semblance of Bruce Wayne (minus the wealth and fame) in the few moments when you’re able to catch a breath so that you can live a little. 

Online Business Manager Podcast

You dream of the day when you can strike a balance. You dream of the day when that freedom you set out to achieve by becoming an entrepreneur is finally yours. If this is you, then it may be time to hire an online business manager. 

There’s good news! An online business manager can be your own personal Alfred Pennyworth and help you achieve this seemingly impossible feat.

When you know what an online business manager does, it’s easy to understand how you can benefit. There are five main benefits of hiring an online business manager:

Do You Need To Hire A Va Or An Online Business Manager To Grow Your Business?

How much money and time are you wasting trying to perfect areas of your business that you know very little about? Hire an online business manager to help you get things right from the get-go. The money you invest in paying your online business manager pales in comparison with the money you’ll lose due to your inexperience.

Time never seems to be on your side as a busy online entrepreneur. And it’s the one thing we never get more of. An online business manager can help you find more time to pursue growth opportunities by:

Experience teaches wisdom. When you hire an online business manager, you get and individual who's experience provides a unique, current and relevant perspective that can help your business thrive. You will be amazed by the interesting ideas he or she presents. Your business will only get better.

Online Business Manager

Typically you hire an online business manager on a contractual basis. Therefore, you won’t be responsible for employment taxes, benefits and other human resource concerns. This is quite different from hiring a full-time manager.

An online business manager has the best interests of your business at heart. Consistent communication, transparency and leadership are second-nature for an effective online business manager. You will get a highly valuable team member who will help you take your business to the next level. 

Have potential employees take an online business personality quiz like the Myers Briggs Indicator, to see if they are a good fit for the position you'd like to fill.

Do You Need To Hire A Project Manager?the Ops Authority

An online business manager helps virtual entrepreneurs govern and monitor the daily operations of a business. This person plays a critical role for a small business in many ways.

If you know that building a team is important to your business goals but managing people isn’t your strong suit, you absolutely NEED to hire an online business manager. Your OBM can help you work with your other team members. From graphic designers, website developers, copy writers and more. If you are building a sizable team, it helps to have someone manage all of the different members for you.

From accounting to customer service, there are a lot of things to manage in a growing online business. These are the “weeds” of your business. They need to be taken care of but it’s not the best use of your time if you plan to continue to grow. 

Why (and When!) You Need An Online Business Manager

Were you excited about not having a boss to report to when you chose to become an entrepreneur? Is not having a boss leaving you without the accountability you need to succeed?


You have goals for your business but how good are you at monitoring those goals? Are you keeping up on the metrics you need to so that you can see the progress your business is making? 

Your online business manager can help you track your goals and make recommendations when those goals are getting off track. Your OBM can serve as your accountability partner helping to keep you focused. It’s like having the best benefits of a boss without getting yelled at for not performing!

Partnering With An Obm With Brooke Jackson

Have you ever wanted to go on a month long vacation to Thailand or Bali but you knew that your business couldn’t last a week without you? An online business manager can help you totally unplug from your business so that you come back with brilliant new ideas and are ready to hit the ground running.

There are many things that you are asked to invest in as a business owner. How do you know if now is the right time to invest in an online business manager? This one is a lot easier than you might think. Hiring an OBM can free you up to make even more money to invest in those other opportunities. 

Look closely at how you feel when you answer those questions. The answers will reveal to you whether it's time to hire an OBM or if you can wait it out.

What Is An Online Business Manager, And Is It Time For You To Hire One?

Virtual Assistants are often hired to do the work of an online business manager but the roles are very different. Hiring the wrong type of person for the job can lead to frustration and disappointment.

A virtual assistant’s role is specific to the tasks you assign. However, an online business manager is responsible for overseeing your business. Therefore, they have a lot more on their plates. The table below summarizes the main differences between an online business manager and a virtual assistant.


Is an online business manager expensive? Remember, though, these are just titles. You may get lucky and find a virtual assistant that can perform the work of an online business manager. 

Are You Ready To Hire An Online Business Manager?

An online business manager brings a greater set of skills to the table than a virtual assistant. Therefore, their rates are typically higher than that of a virtual assistant.

Some OBM’s will only work on a fixed monthly rate, similar to a salary. They generally will only work with two or three clients at a time while giving much more time and attention to those clients.

Virtual A Team has a team of effective online business managers who can help your business coaching or life coaching business succeed. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Why Hire An Online Business Manager

Batman couldn’t save Gotham City without Alfred hanging out behind the scenes and successful business owners don’t do it on their own either. An online business manager is essential for any online business owner serious about business growth. You will get someone who you can trust to oversee elements of your business so that you can get the time you need to pursue growth opportunities and establish a healthy work-life balance. Hire an effective online business manager today by contacting Virtual A Team . 

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And still other times it’s that you just need a high-level thinker to help you plan out your next steps so that you can pass it off to a VA for implementation.


Signs That Tell You It's Time To Hire An Online Business Manager

Before we dive into whether you’re ready or not, let’s talk real quick about what the difference is between the two most common support professionals. OBMs are fairly new to the online world and, because of that, new to popularity. Most people don’t even know what an OBM does let alone whether they really need one or not.

They take over the day-to-day operations and management of your calendar, your tech, your systems, your team, and the planning branch of your business so that you, the biz owner, can focus on working with clients or creating content for your next big launch.

You gas up the bus of your business with creativity and they drive it where it needs to go. They’re going to tell you what’s getting done.

Everything To Know About Hiring An Online Business Manager

They complete the low-level tasks you tell them to complete that are fairly repetitive. Managing your calendar, scheduling social media, creating graphics, answering questions in your Facebook group, responding to comments on your blog.

If you’re only making $4, 000 a month, you’re not ready for an Online Business Manager yet. Because, as frazzled as you might feel, you don’t have much of a business for someone else to manage at that stage. And you don’t have the budget to hire an OBM, either.

Most OBMs I know won’t work with someone making less than $10, 000 a month and many

What Is An Online Business Manager? And, Is Right For Me?


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