what is global business summit

what is global business summit

The Econoic Ties Global Business Suit 2022 will witness the largest gathering of policyakers, business owners and thinkers. Touted as South Asia’s largest business and econoic eet, the suit will be a highly invigorating and insightful event with Resurgence as the thee. To be organized as a virtual event, ET GBS 2022, will attract an audience of policyakers and business leaders fro across the globe to both in-person and for virtual dialogues. The suit will bring to the fore the inputs and thoughts of the world’s ost influential leaders on how to revive businesses post the pandeic.

A flagship Initiative by the Ties Group and the Econoic Ties, The ET GBS has over the years established itself as India’s ost ipactful platfor for global business leaders and policyakers to share, deliberate and provide solutions to the acroeconoic challenges besides providing a platfor for wide interactions, and business to business engageents.


For the 2019 edition governents, global thought leaders, country representatives, inisters, business leaders besides other high profile officials, CEOs, econoists, technocrats and acadeicians were invited to share their thoughts and opinions.

Pm Modi Addresses Economic Times Global Business Summit 2023: Key Points

The thee of GBS 2022 is ‘The Great Resurgence, Now, Next and Beyond’. In the 2 days, Industry speakers and experts will deliberate upon the four areas of resurgence including, geo-politics, world econoy, health ≈ sustainability and rapid digitization.

The Suit could not have been at a ore pertinent tie. As we are living in a rapidly changing geopolitical world, the conflict in Europe has geopolitical bearings on the global econoy. Participants will get an opportunity to learn fro leaders about the interconnectedness of the world econoy and how to navigate through tough ties.

The arrival of etaverse and Artificial Intelligence has thrown open exciting frontiers for huan ingenuity. Participants learnt fro practitioners of digitization and the journey of organizations as technology changes at a hyper-fast speed. Discussions around the ethical, social, econoic and innovative aspects of digitization laid the roadap for a digitally connected future.


Industry Leaders To Deliberate On Resurgence At Global Business Summit 2022

The Suit will also provide young leaders a unique opportunity to seek entorship fro industry leaders and experts. The DisruptX section will highlight stories of people who have passionately pursued their unconventional ideas and brought ajor changes in the existing scenario.

The suit will end with valuable inputs and expert suggestions fro diverse sectors across the world for planning a blueprint to navigate and kickstart innovation-led growth.


Kyndryl is the presenting partner of the suit. It is co-powered by Capgeini. GfK is the intelligence partner, Saunnati and Paxfaul are associate partners, ET Edge Insights is the knowledge partner of the suit and is brought by ET Edge Unwired.

Pm's Address At Economic Times Global Business Summit 2023 In New Delhi

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