how to start a tax resolution business

how to start a tax resolution business

Are you a CPA, EA, or attorney who has started (or wants to start) a tax resolution business and are looking to build it into a 6-figure income?

Making the leap into the tax resolution business can be a big step for those who are used to working “traditionally” in their profession. I know, I’ve been there. Many of my newer Tax & Business Solutions Academy clients ask me w

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These are the five points that I highly recommend you read, remember, and re-use as you launch and build your tax resolution business.

Certifications You Need To Start Your Own Tax Business

It is known fact that most people will buy services and products to get out of a painful situation. Dealing with an IRS situation is painful, stressful and one of the scariest experiences for many people. Owing the IRS can be crippling, both emotionally and financially. When you write your marketing materials, you need to speak to your target market’s pain. Your message has to speak personally to that one person who has just received a certified letter from the IRS, or has just had their paycheck garnished or bank account levied so that they will contact you as soon as they read, listen or watch your marketing materials.

Once you’ve got the prospect in your office, find a commonality to become more relatable. You only have a minute or so to build rapport and trust. Have you gone through a difficult financial situation or had your own IRS problems? Talk about experiences (yours, other customers…names unnamed) so that they feel you can relate to their struggle.

There are 3 reasons that a person may not buy your service: 1) They are not interested 2) They cannot afford your service 3) They don’t believe you. This is why using testimonials is so important. Use testimonials everywhere – in your brochures, your newsletters, and on every webpage. Seeing a testimonial from a person in the same city with a similar problem can be very powerful to the person who is in need of your services. Talk about testimonials to your prospects and include them in emails when responding to inquiries. Make the testimonial powerful by including a sentence or two about the person’s backstory. Always include a before statement (what the tax liability was) and an after statement (what the tax liability was after you have performed your magic).


What You Need To Know About Tax Resolution For Your Business

For every one of my tax resolution clients, I ask them to fill out a client survey. Key questions to include: When did they become a client? How do they feel about our firm? Describe a particular experience from our firm that made them very happy. Is there any matter or office procedure that could be improved upon? What benefits from our firm they valued the most? Timing of when to give them the survey is key. Send it when their levy got released, when their bank garnishment got lifted, and when their case was settled. Send one to every single client. Before you know it, you will have amassed an arsenal of testimonials.

IRS problem resolution is a collaborative project that requires 110% cooperation from your client. If you encounter a prospect who is trying to negotiate your fees at the first meeting, that is a huge red flag. This type of client will most likely be your biggest complainer (and energy vampire). Here is how you weed out those clients that may cause you more pain than gain.


Show this to your prospect when it comes time to discuss fees. Seeing the price list often reduces resistance whereas verbal quotes often open the door to negotiation. If you feel like the prospect is going to cause you more pain than gain, don’t be afraid to say no. One out of 50 people have an IRS problem so turning away one person from time to time is not going to put a dent in your bottom line. Bad clients take you away from great ones.

Cost To Obtain New Tax Resolution Clients & How To Optimize

If you think that accounting, taxes or providing legal services or even “tax resolution” is the business, you likely will not rise to the top 5% to 1% of the profession or be in a potion to create wealth. Whatever your profession – CPA, EA, attorney – I assume that you are already a great “technician”.


. Marketing is the #1 aspect of your business and your deliverables are secondary. For many people, the hardest part of starting a tax resolution business is switching their mindset to marketing first and deliverables second. If you are having trouble getting used to this idea, set aside a window of time every day (45 – 60 minutes) to work on your business. Block out the same time each day in your calendar as if it is a meeting where you are receiving a $5, 000 retainer check from a client. It is a well-known fact that if you do anything for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Trust yourself, turn off your cell phone and your computer, and dedicate that time to work “on” your business, not in your business. You may actually find that marketing is the most fun part!

Watch my free video series on to get more of my success secrets and a roadmap to a thriving tax resolution practice!


Common Methods Of Tax Resolution

If you think that accounting, taxes or providing legal services or even “tax resolution” is the business, you likely will not rise to the top 5% to 1% of the profession or be in a potion to create wealth. Whatever your profession – CPA, EA, attorney – I assume that you are already a great “technician”.


. Marketing is the #1 aspect of your business and your deliverables are secondary. For many people, the hardest part of starting a tax resolution business is switching their mindset to marketing first and deliverables second. If you are having trouble getting used to this idea, set aside a window of time every day (45 – 60 minutes) to work on your business. Block out the same time each day in your calendar as if it is a meeting where you are receiving a $5, 000 retainer check from a client. It is a well-known fact that if you do anything for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Trust yourself, turn off your cell phone and your computer, and dedicate that time to work “on” your business, not in your business. You may actually find that marketing is the most fun part!

Watch my free video series on to get more of my success secrets and a roadmap to a thriving tax resolution practice!


Common Methods Of Tax Resolution


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