how to start a valet trash business

how to start a valet trash business

You should feel optimistic about this new growth for your valet trash company. To keep those positive vibes going, your next area of focus should be how to start valet trash service the right way.

Launching your trash valet services at a new complex isn’t a difficult task, but you need to do it the right way. Whether this is your first contract deal or your fifth, it’s always a good idea to get started on the right foot.

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The absolute first item on your agenda before you begin picking up trash from residents is to introduce yourself. There is nothing worse than for a resident to suddenly be told that he or she will be paying extra in their rent for a service they know nothing about.

Luxury Valet Trash Removal

Get a little creative with this step. How can you introduce yourself to the apartment residents that will leave them feeling warm and fuzzy?

You could start by putting together a welcome packet to leave at each door about a week before evening trash pick-up begins. This is also a great way to familiarize the valets with the property layout and on-site personnel they may be in contact with while on shift.

Another great idea is to host a resident event at the complex common area. You would coordinate this with the property manager at least a couple of weeks in advance, but after your services have just started.  Be sure to advertise to your residents that the event will be taking place. This can be done by flyering their doors during service hours and posting near common areas.

A1 Valet Trash

The event can be as simple as catering from a local pizza parlor and having valets on hand to answer any questions residents may have about service.

Set up your table and signage with the residents in mind, offering promotional items, a desirable raffle for some bonus service or gift of your choosing, and a sign-up sheet for your email list so residents can stay up-to-date on their service schedules.

An open gathering like this is another prime touch-point for showing residents how to sign in with their resident portal if you have one on your website.

Valet Trash Service. Residential Waste Service

Valets need to understand that professionalism is key at welcome events. They are the face of your trash valet business and should be dressed in company logo apparel (not necessarily valet uniforms) and be ready to shake hands and talk with the residents. The friendlier the face, the less negative a resident may feel.

How funny would it be to hand out a yearly calendar with a featured trash valet each month?! It would get the attention of the residents and they’d never miss a day!

, not just at the beginning of your service start date. Each resident should have some form of valet trash schedule whether it is a printed magnet with your custom valet nights highlighted or something as basic as a flyer with the schedule on it.

Starting A Valet Trash Service: A Guide

You can get creative with this form of marketing and communications as well, just be sure to stay on-brand and be consistent with updating the residents if there is a change in schedule. Holiday service may be different than other days and you could even look into a text notification for severe weather service cancellations.

Obviously, a must in the welcoming stage is delivering the resident’s trash cans. Your valet trash contractors branded trash bins should be dropped off after the welcome packet or announcement of your services start date has taken place. Avoid dropping a trash can off at the resident’s doorstep without them having any introduction, much less any clue, that you will now be part of their community.

Delivering the trash bins is another opportunity for your valets to become familiar with the apartment community and will also give residents the chance to become used to the valets being on site. Inside the trash can, you could include a second letter thanking the resident again and include another sheet with your valet trash schedule and add another of your branded trash bags that will be available for sale in the management office.

Evolution Of Valet Trash Industry Through Technology During A Global Pandemic

Don’t skip this very important step after you sign on with a new client. Residents will appreciate your thoroughness of supplying a service they will soon find they don’t want to live without. Show them through your professional and friendly soft skills that you are there to do an outstanding job and you don’t want them to feel that you provide anything less than five-star service.


When you start off on the right foot, property managers will be pleased they agreed to your trash valet services and will be interested in fostering a long-term professional relationship with you.

Every year in the United States, approximately 267.8 million tons of garbage is created. With only 328 million people in the United States, that’s 0.8 …

Get It And Go Valet Trash Service

Putting in all the effort to get your valet trash business up and running is only half of the battle. Securing a proper database of …

If you have a solid contract in place it will help protect both your business and your client’s interest. However, most business owners I …When starting a small business, you take risks with the goal of reaping rewards. You can be a living, breathing success story just like you’ve always dreamed about.

Before you jump right in, check out these 7 rules to follow when starting your doorstep trash valet business- it just may be the advice that kicks starting your doorstep trash valet business up a notch!

Valet Trash Companies And State Regulators At Odds Over Fire Resistant Cans

At this point, you may already have your unique value proposition/unique selling proposition in place. If you don’t, stop here and determine what your unique selling proposition is- NOW!

When you’ve truly identified your unique selling proposition, and know that you’ve got something those other guys don’t, you’re ready to advance on building your brand.


If you’re reading this, you’re already committed. You have committed to believing in yourself enough to build a business from scratch and you’ve committed to learning more about entrepreneurship.

Do I Need A Valet Trash License For My Business?

If you’re only in business for the short-term, your company won’t likely succeed. Refer to your USP and company mission statement often and maintain the values you began with. This doesn’t mean you can’t change or update your services or brand, it just means that you should never lose sight of what you started with and why you started it.

Don’t let those competitors or naysayers scare you. If you consistently strive to provide an exceptional service to your clients with the intent of sticking around for decades to come, you’ve mastered the commitment rule.

Understanding your customer demographics and understanding your customers on a more personal level are similar but different. As a rule to being successful at starting a doorstep valet trash business, you should plan on doing both.

Valet Trash Houston Services

The demographics of your target market can be established by doing thorough research online and in the areas, you will be servicing. Understanding who will be in the prime market for your trash valet services is one of the first tasks to undertake when putting together your business plan. Understanding who you are marketing your doorstep trash valet services to is integral to establishing your brand.

When you explore these questions and find the answers, you will unlock the secrets to building a solid doorstep trash valet company. There are even more areas to explore about your clients and you may find some surprising results the deeper you get in your research.

An in-depth understanding of your clients’ lives will give you the edge you need to provide the services they are willing to pay for which means your supply of trash valet services will continuously meet their demand. This equals profitability and success.


How To Get A Valet Trash Contract [7 Essential Tips]

When referring to clients, we mean those individuals that use your valet trash services. When starting your doorstep trash valet company, you will likely be focusing on small and local.

At this point, clients can refer to both the residents of each unit at the multi-family complex that your valets service at night or the property managers that signed your valet trash company on as an amenity provider.

To provide the best valet trash service possible, you need to build relationships with your clients and it is easy to do. Communication is key, here.

Logo Redesign For A Startup. It's For A Valet Trash Company (doorstep Waste Collection For Multi Family Communities). Original Logo Design Is On The Last Slide For Comparison. Feedback / Criticism Welcome. :

If you keep the customers in the know, and show your smiling face on-site, conversations will start.  When this happens, you’ll have the ability to familiarize yourself with their habits and needs. Eventually, you’ll identify a need that hasn’t been met yet and you can turn around and provide it to them.

Over time, clients will come to rely on you as providing great customer service. Customer relationship-building is an integral element of any successful business. When this happens, the community-enhancing trash valet collection you provide will become part of their daily lives.

Perfection comes with a price tag. If you’re waiting to launch your doorstep trash valet company because it doesn’t feel perfect, you could be losing business already.

Valet Trash Authority

Tara claims that one of the most common mistakes made by an entrepreneur is to wait for the business to be perfect before it goes live.




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