how to target business owners on facebook

how to target business owners on facebook

We use both Facebook and LinkedIn for lead generation and Facebook ads (believe it or not) most of the time perform best when targeting business owners using paid ads.

I see so many people waste thousands of dollars each month on Facebook ads because they can’t convert any leads. Hint: It’s not because Facebook ads doesn’t work. It’s because the strategy they are using doesn’t work.


Click here to watch a free training video I’ve recorded that goes through, step by step, the best strategy you can use on social media to generate 10, 15, 30 or more predictable high quality leads and sales appointments with your ideal clients – every single month.

Weirdly Specific Facebook Ads Targeting Ideas You Didn't Know Existed

Note: Since Facebook owns Instagram, whenever I say “Facebook Ads” this includes Instagram ads too. Targeting business owners on Facebook ads and Instagram ads work exactly the same way.

This first one is a hidden gem. It’s so simple, yet a lot of people don’t know it even exists. In the “detailed targeting” section within your Facebook ads business manager, you can target people who are business page admins on Facebook.

Most business owners have a Facebook page that they’re an admin of. So this is a really quick and easy way to find people that are likely to own a business.

Facebook For Business Owners

When targeting business owners on Facebook, make sure you send them to a high converting funnel with a video sales letter so that you can learn more about your services.

If the business owners read a particular magazine that has a large readership, you can search for it on Facebook ads manager, and target people who express an interest in that.

For best results, try to find magazines or online publications that are specific to the type of businesses you’re targeting. For example, if I wanted to target investment businesses, I’d focus on finding online magazines and publications for investors.3. Target people with an interest in business

How To Target Entrepreneurs On Facebook

One of the easiest ways you can target people on Facebook who are interested in “business” is to type in business-related keywords into the Facebook targeting search box.

As you can see from the screenshot above, there are multiple types of interests all related to business. See if any are relevant or related to your type of business. For example, “business-to-business” is a good option if you’re looking to target B2B.

Targeting every and any business owner is most likely going to be too broad. So it’s best if you can drill down even further and pick out a specific industry type of business person to target.

Facebook Ad Targeting: The Definitive Guide

For example, in Facebook’s interest targeting, it gives you the option to select a wide range of business categories for you to find people in. With this feature, you can target business owners in specific industries of your choice.

Be sure to add multiple job titles. For example, business owners might use the job title “CEO”, “Founder”, “Director” and so on. So it will be a good idea to target all possible job titles that match your criteria. Top tip: You probably won’t get many results for some job titles so click on the “expand interest” checkbox on Facebook ads (under the “detailed targeting expansion” section in your FB ads manager) and you can find more people similar to the ones who have the job titles you’re looking to target.6. Retarget business owners that visit your website

If your website is attracting traffic from word of mouth, Google, LinkedIn or any other places, you can retarget them so they see your content the same day or a few days later.

How To Target A Local Business Using Facebook Ads

This is a really cost-effective way to keep bringing in more traffic and take that traffic to the next step of your sales process.

I’ve found retargeting people that visit your website within the last 60 days works well. You can also create a lookalike audience from people who visit your website and test that too.

If you have a large enough warm audience (of traffic going to your website or a database with your best leads / clients) you can upload those to Facebook and Facebook will find other similar people.


Category: How To Target Business Owners On Facebook

You can upload that database to Facebook and Facebook’s algorithm will find more similar people just like the ones you uploaded. This feature alone is incredibly powerful if you have enough data at your disposal for Facebook to use

If there is any online software or tools you know business owners are using, you can search for these in Facebook’s interest targeting feature.

For example, if you’re looking to get b2b accounting leads you can target people with an interest in Xero (accounting tax software for business owners). This is especially useful if you’re an accountant who specializes in Xero.

How To Target Business Owners On Facebook Facebook Ad Ideas

Search for them in Facebook’s ad manager and see if you can target them.9. Target business owners who go to business networking events

Are there any well-known business networking events or seminars that your ideal clients are interested in? You can target these business owners with Facebook ads.

For example, a popular business networking and referral marketing event that some business owners go to is BNI. You can search for business owners interested in BNI and target them on Facebook ads.10. Target local business owners

Effective Ways To Target Business Owners On Facebook 2023

You can select a specific geo-location in Facebook ads so that you only target business owners and professionals within your local area (such as zip codes, city or state).

The best cities to target business owners on Facebook ads are cities with large populations. The larger the population in the city, state or area you are targeting, the more likely Facebook’s algorithm will find your ideal clients.11. Combine business interests


To target business owners on Facebook ads, it’s a good idea to combine different business interests together in the Facebook ads manager.

How To Target Car Owners On Facebook

For example, don’t just target people based on job titles alone. Combine job titles with other interests to narrow down and find the best type of people.

In the above image, you can see how to target b2b businesses that are interested in lead generation.12. Make sure the audience size is balanced

Facebook will tell you how many people you can potentially reach. If the audience is too small, you will run out of potential leads. If the audience is too broad, you might not get a good amount of leads.

Video: How To Target Business Owners On Facebook

Facebook will tell you in the “Audience Definition” section if your audience is too specific or too broad.13. Split test different business audiences

It’s important that you test different business audiences against each other to see which one will perform the best and generate the best leads. Never stop testing.

Above are some examples of audiences (or Facebook interests) I’ve tested in my Facebook ad campaigns to find the best-performing one. Spoiler alert: The best-performing Facebook ads audience for my lead generation company was the ‘lead generation‘ interest (no surprises there!)14. Be different

How To Target Local Businesses

For example, in my line of business, there are a lot of marketers who use fancy graphics and hyped-up videos to try and get the attention of other business owners.


One of the ads I created was very simple (in fact, I created it using paint!) to prove that you don’t need “fancy” images or videos for business ads to convert well.

All you need is a good (unique) message that resonates with your target audience. Tip: You can also use Facebook dynamic ads to see what kind of ad copy, headline and ad creative (image or video) works best for targeting businesses.15. Call out specific business owners in your ad copy

How To Target Business Owners On Facebook: 7 Expert Tips

When you do this, the right kind of people will engage with your ad and Facebook will be able to know what kind of business owners are the ones most likely to be interested in how you can help them.

This makes it so that only those who are financial advisors will see and click on the ad. This helps Facebook’s ad algorithm better optimize your ads so that you target the right people.

Option 1: You can spend thousands of dollars advertising on Facebook, make lots of mistakes and learn from them through trial and error.

How To Effectively Target Business Owners On Facebook

Option 2: You can work with someone who specializes in targeting business owners on Facebook ads, make less mistakes, save money and get faster results vs doing it all on your own.

If you need help with targeting business owners on Facebook ads, then be sure to check out the free training video I recorded here. This free training goes through how my Facebook ads automated appointment funnel works in more detail. It also shows you how I can help you get faster results if you want me to help you do everything.

There are a lot of variables that can affect the costs of advertising on Facebook ads to B2B business owners. These include variables such as industry, location, audience and your message. The only way to know for sure what the costs will be is to spend $1, 000 to $2, 000 on Facebook ads and then see what your cost per lead is. After you have your cost per lead, you can reduce it by split testing additional ads and testing other variables to see if you

How Profit From Facebook Ads With $5 A Day: How You As A Business Owner Can Build A Following Of Loyal Customers And Avoid Ad Rejection, Even If You Are A Beginner


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